Haapavesi Waltz
Jefferson and Liberty / Hundred Pipers
Shenandoah Falls
Boys of Blue Hill/ Harvest Home
Golden Keyboard
le Reel du Joual Blanc
The Three Cooks
The Blackbird
Amelia’s Waltz
Tam Lin
Sleeping Giant Two Step /
Silver and Gold
Golden Slippers / Red Wing
La Bastringue
My Cape Breton Home / Eklunda Polska
Wild Mountain Thyme/
Sheebeg and Sheemore
Sean’s Waltz
Cold and Frosty Morning / Kitchen Girl
Aime Gagnon / Caribou Reel
Seneca Square Dance / Liza Jane
Le Tourment / Indian Point
Mouth of the Tobique / Fleur de Mandragore
Tooth Fairy / Scoraiochtar
Jimmy’s Favorite / Aunt May’s /
Teviot Bridge