Astonished Archaeologist
Berceuse pour Hannah
Golden Boy/Over the Waterfall/Crooked Stovepipe
Reel Eugene/Hommage a Gilles LaPrise
Joe Bane’s/Gypsy Princess
Evit Gabriel
Whiskey before breakfast/Soldier’s Joy/Flop-eared Mule
Tommy People’s/Sonny Brogan’s mazurkas
Rock the Cradle, Joe
Waterman’s Hornpipe
Carolan’s Welcome
Mountain Bird
Turlutte d’Antonio Bazinet
Round the Horn/Old Grey Cat
Reel des Esquimaux (Eskimos)
Reel de Montebello
Margaret’s Waltz
Stone’s Rag
Miss Rowan Davies waltz
Winder Slide
Da Guizer’s Marc