January 8, 2023

Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine/Road to Boston/March of St. Timothy
Rakish Paddy/Julia Delaney
Carolan’s Welcome
Galope de la Malbaie
Off to California
Goin’ to the Art Show
Eddie’s Reel
Eskimo Reel
Midnight on the Water
Whiskey before Breakfast
L’Ange aux Patins
Les Trois Cuistots (The Three Cooks)
Reel Eugene/Hommage a Gilles Laprise
Hughie Shorty/Brenda Stubbert’s
Eighth of January
Five Roads
One-Horned Sheep
Drummond Castle
Gigue des Sucres/Zelda
La Bastringue
Calum’s Road/Hut on Staffin Island
Dancing Bear