June 6, 2021

Rose by the Door
Tommy People’s/Sonny Brogan’s mazurkas
Calliope House/Korolenko
Mouth of the Tobique/Fleur de Mandragore
Seneca Square Dance/Liza Jane
Silver Spire
Midnight on the Water
Reel Eugene/Hommage a Gilles Laprise
Island of Woods
Maple Sugar/La Galope Montagnards Laurentiens (call and response)
Evit Gabriel
Tom Bigbee waltz
Montague Processional
Violons de Cap Breton
La Promeneuse
La Bastringue
Marche de Thomas Pomerleau
High Clouds
Joe Bane’s/Gypsy Princess
Motel Henry
Torn Jacket/Dick Gossip’s