April Waltz
Ash Grove
New Stove/Little Burnt Potato
Doddie’s Dream
Reel des Eskimos
Josefin’s Dopvals
Hills of Tara/Bill Malley’s Barndance/Kilnamona Barndance
Canal in October
Reel de Montebello
Turlutte a Antonio Bazinet/Louis Cyr
Ganglat Fran Applebo (Swedish Walking Tune)/Karen’s Walk/Da Guizer’s March
Les Trois Cuisots (The Three Cooks)
Ashokan Farewell
Hughie Shorty’s/Brenda Stubbert’s
Reel de Mattawa
Bell Table Waltz
Violons de Cap Breton
Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine/Road to Boston/March of St. Timothy
Utpick Waltz
Valse du Saguenay
The Crested Hen
Whiskey before Breakfast/Soldier’s Joy/Flop Eared Mule
Mr. and Mrs. MacLean