Eklunda Polska
Aime Gagnon/Caribou Reel
Meeting of the Waters/Pete’s March/Jamie Allen
Louis Cyr
Amelia’s Waltz
Da Slockit Light/Calum’s Road/Scotland the Brave
Bethany’s Waltz
Hommage a Roche Proulx
Goin’ to the Art Show
Sheebag Sheemore
Hommage a Edmond Parizeau/ Reel St. Antoine
Mr & Mrs MacLean
Gigue de Sucre/Zelda’s
Swinging on a Gate/Father Kelly’s
Belle Aurore
Golden Boy/Over the Waterfall/Crooked Stovepipe
Fair-haired Canavan’s/Lonesome Jig/The Rolling Wave
Lover’s Waltz
The Wren